When I realized they didn't have cerveza fria for sale, I walked into the bodega right at the corner of our street. 24 oz tall boy of Coors Gold for $1.25, hot damn!
So let's see the new place...
1. Here's me in the living room. The crap on the left was cabinets for the other unit. It's not there. Towards the ceiling, its now got the A/C venting. Stairs to the roof on the wall. Chandelier suspended from the 10' ceiling, with recessed lights.
The other guys in this picture are presumably the guys moving next door. Because, they were there to sign the lease. Only we were too, and technically they should have never seen it because we had told the landlord the night before we wanted it, and agreed to pay the deposit the next day. Only it got listed anyway, and these guys jumped on it via a broker, who got more money from them, and wanted to appease them (because they paid more!). But we were insistent, we found it first, claimed it, and the landlord was able to talk them into the other unit. Good for us!
2. The stairs. They go to the roof. The top is so bright because we have a sun roof, that is brighter than the sun. Hence, white! I really like the single bar going up the middle.

3. The kitchen. Featuring double appliances in this picture (sadly, they're gone, went next door I assume.) All new everything: stainless appliances, cabinets, floors. Added to ceiling now are the pipes across the top for A/C.

4. Front door. Look up: in addition to the window and skylight, there's an extra door up there. Which sharply drops off! Gotta watch out for these sorta things.

So that's the first round. We're starting to mobilize and get some stuff up there this Sunday, then next Saturday is the big moving day. Excited!