Back at the parent's house over the weekend for a little graduation celebration. My little bro finally wiped out the college and walked away a degree greater. In that honor, my mom through together a nice open house, complete with sammiches and tri-colored pastas. We had the best time at the party... watching the SPCA and police show up on account of a wild baby fawn.
Apparently, this all goes back about 3 weeks ago when somehow, a baby fawn of maybe 5 or 6 weeks old got stuck in our neighbor's back yard. (We assume it came in while they had the gate open.) The mama deer comes over a few times a day for nursing. The idea was to let it hang out until it was old enough to clear the fence.
Some neighbor was not cool with the fawn, who shares a backyard with a little yip yip dog, co-existing. (Apparently the yipping was alarming to them, and they decided to call the police, who, in turn, called the SPCA). Well, a guy came out to get the deer out, said he couldn't have a possible deer-dog related attack. Then people started running their mouths, and a cruiser with a couple of officers was sent out to investigate. Some harsh words were exchanged during all of this, all while we have an open house with family in town, sitting out back, watching the yahoo events unfold.
Eventually, the fawn got out of the yard it was in, and then somehow came back. At this point, we propped open our fence and I explained to the neighbors that the fawn was totally welcome in our yard: we don't have a dog, the mama deer's already familiar, and well, it's interesting to watch. Later, after the party, the fawn snook in under the fence, and is now hanging out in parent's yard, out by our garden.
Some people have a pet dog or cat, we have a baby deer.