Whew! It's been busy again around here recently. First and foremost, my fiancee finally made it back to the states this past Tuesday! That was a true feat in and of itself, as we've been waiting and waiting patiently for the government (immigration!) to let that happen. And finally, there ya go it happened.
Of course, all of this not without a hitch. No!
So when the lady stepped foot in America (Detroit), they brought her over a special counter for immigration. As expected. She had brought with her a huge packet of papers received in early April that came in some obnoxiously large envelop, marked "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL REQUESTED BY IMMIGRATION". Fair enough. So, she didn't. Came to find upon opening that she was supposed to be here no later than April.
Say what?
She had only had her immigration interview in Japan in late March / early April. Our understanding was that she had 6 months from that time to enter the states. Turns out it was more like 30 days, and of course, no way of knowing this.
Fortunately, they accepted this. I don't know if they admitted the error on their side, but at the very least they admitted her. So now she's here, doing fine, albeit a bit jet lagged.
What a country we live in!
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