Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Living in the Dark

I just found out this past weekend that I've been living in the dark! Though, my lights work just fine at home, I hadn't seen the light... of Ikea! Finally made the trip this past weekend, only to find quite a surprise: this place is as cool as shit! (how cool shit is!) Because seeing is believing, I realized that until I went I had no idea on what I was missing out on. The only I could have perhaps done without is the perplexing maze of enticement... well nonetheless, it worked.

Ever since stepping out of the surreal world of college housing a few years ago, I've tried to only purchase stuff that would translate well into a more permanent dwelling. I still managed to pick up crap a long the way, most namely a green couch that's a complete eye sore. Oddly enough, living in a rental house, working a job I knew I wanted out of also seemed to instill the same feeling of temporariness that's held me back from purchasing large pieces of furniture (and instead purchasing gobs of A/V equipment and trips to Japan).

This time, I've been moved to move. I'm more excited than ever to be moving into an apartment to turn into my own pad and go crazy with styling it to my fancy. Gotta find a place first, though! But once we get it, I know where I'm heading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's pretty good timing that Brooklyn Ikea just opened earlier this summer!

About Me

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Alex Baker works in NYC doing web development during the day and puts on a cape to solve riddles and crime by night. In his free time, he shreds the skins in DBCR, explores NYC and other places and geeks out on new tech.