More things on my list of new things, smelly, that rock: garlic scapes.
All over our market right now, garlic scapes are the rage. Never seen 'em before, but really, they look fresh from the garden. Kinda like the little feelers on the end of a squid, but green and garlicy. So we started buying them recently, and they're great. Cook like you'd expect and fit into any corner of your meal. Buy 'em today, I say!
One tasty recipe we just had:
Cut the garlic scapes like green beans. Saute in light olive oil, and add whatever. Tonight, we green pepper and double smoked sausage. Served it with corn starch based sticky flavor juice, it was awesome when served over white rice. It's pretty much up to you to give it the flavor, but just think of them as awesome garlic spikes for your dish.
I have never heard of scapes before. I am so intrigued! Must try!
Had never heard or seen them either, but they seem like that magical plant that should be as common as green onions. Apparently, their on the rise here in the US. Best part is they're very inexpensive. Haven't seen them at the stores yet, so check the local farmer's market.
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