Early up today to do something a lil' bit different: attend a live taping of the Martha Stewart show at her theater in Chelsea. Never had been to a live taping before, but it was pretty awesome sitting in the audience. Very large and spacious studio, very well lit with these huge overhead light boxes. The "windows" in the background gave a nice shot of NY that wasn't really there but were lit well. There was also a warm up guy who was probably coked up (with a name like Joey Cola, how could he not be?) and got everyone hootin' and hollerin' at 9am.
Today's theme: Thanksgiving Side Dishes. Awesome.
But the "king" in my opinion was the savory roast pork crown. Hot holy Jesus did that thing look good. Had never seen one before. They even made gold pantaloons for its (awwwww!).
Here's the segments, videos from today should be live soon:
Roast pork crown
Green Bean Casserole
Creamy Califlower Puree
Root Vegetable Gratin
Crafts: Hand Bleached Place Mats (this was cool)
A couple of lame things though:
1. Martha is pretty much a bitch. During the set, she had a scene where she was talking with another special guest. And cut her off at everything she said. Second time, at the end, a girl was asking how to make a good pie crust ("they come out either too flakey or too runny. what should i do?") and after asking her if she read and followed her (Martha's) recipe, she said "If you're illiterate then there's nothing I can do for you". Crap damn.
2. No free samples! The beans smelled so good while cooking, and that roast looked awesome. None for us.
3. The camera man did not swoop on our section during the commercials! We were the only section left out. Made us all feel ugly.
A couple of cool things:
1. I got out of work to do this. Awesome.
2. Free stuff: a free 8.5-quart stainless steel casserole pot, a special knife for spreading peanut butter and cleaning out the jar, a packet of bouillon, cooking chocolate, a bag of peanuts, and some hand creams. Awwright!
So anyway, it was a very enjoyable alternative to work today, and really, I'd go to just about any tv set just to see the so-called magic that is show business.
Was great fun. "BBQ at my house" - Joey Cola!
Thanks for that. I've been dying to know what it would be like to be in the audience of a talk show like that. Next you have to be in the Conan O'brian audience.
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