Been some crazy weather the past week here. Monday, we saw a record high 67 here, very nice. Tuesday, we got an inch of snow! Then things warmed up a little bit again, the snow melted, and then Friday - BAM! Another 2-inches plus of snow followed by sleet. Made for quite a slick Friday night to take our friends around town! The question was: could we actually catch a taxi?
Fortunately, we could indeed get a taxi. And not just a regular taxi: this one had a very relaxing vibe to it. The good mood music that could only be found in the massage taxi!
The cabbie had an interesting yet simple setup: a laptop with WiFi capabilities piped into the stereo. Here's the charm: the tunes of choice were audio clips of massage videos found on YouTube. Something like the the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8IxqhiyhsM (yes, it's perhaps a bit erotic!) The video was not shown on our screen or anything, but I could see it on the laptop.
What can I say other than most interesting, but I liked it.
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