Friday night, and it was getting cold, damn cold outside. Reiko had already made it clear that she didn't want to head out, so what to do? Why not go out and buy that Xbox 360 I've been wanting for some time? So I did! Walked down to the neighborhood Gamestop and picked up a new Pro model (with Lego Indiana Jones / Kung-fu Panda) and a used copy of Burnout Revenge. Nothing too extraordinary, except that the surrounding blocks of Gamestop were lined with unmarked white semi trailers, and there was a huge flood light that lit the entire President St. block. Impossible to describe how bright this light was, other than it would have sucked to live on that street that night without some damn good shutters and blinds.
Of course I was curious, and went over to take a look. That's when I ran into a friend of a friend, who caught word it was an on-location filming for the show Ugly Betty. I guess they were just getting set up at that time, as there were crew hoarding all kinds of equipment and stands and who knows what around. Quite a few folks, too - I asked one of the light checkers (his job is to take light readings and relay them back to the camera folks) and his estimate was around 75 people, maybe 100 with all the actors.
Unfortunately I didn't get to see much action on the production side, though I'm pretty sure I could hear America Ferrara getting chatty at one point. Can't forget that voice, no sir.
But anyway, it made for an interesting New York experience none-the-less!
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