Saturday morning here in DC. In contrast to yesterday's mostly sunny and 65, today is cold, rainy, wet, shhloppy out there. Should make for an interesting day. If it dries up, we're headed to the zoo. Because free zoos are free zoos!
Got a lot of things I want to talk about here like the Enon set, the equalness of the Yen to Dollar ratio, part 2 of the stomache bug, and what else - our trip to DC - but for now they're going to have to wait. People are wrapped around the corner to use the two computers they have in the Business Center here of the Dupont Hotel. Gotta get me a netbook, preferably one that runs Mac OS X software. Thinkin' I'm going to do that once I get back.
Out on the town for now though!
tell us about ENON already!
Enon show review up!
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