Yeah, I did it. Brought the guns in and fired the first shot to what could very easily become a nasty war with the landlord. Hopefully not!
Yesterday, I made the long phone call with 3-1-1, which is like this weird omni-service call center for NYC. The topic? Two complaints, one for the shit ass cat pee ventilation system, the other for the on going roach infestation, to which we've tried most everything at this point including Borax powder around the edges.
Just waiting for the next shouting bout to launch the 3rd missile to 311. Letter also to follow soon. Though, I don't know if he can read it. I've heard rumors...
When its all said and done, all we want is a decent place to live, without all the riff-raff. Yes I said that, bring it back to your conversations.
When's your lease up? Is there any way you can get out of it early?
September! So it will be here sooner than later, but man it would be nice to get away from this guy.
If we can break the lease we would be happy to. Problem is, it's hard to talk to someone who doesn't listen and instead cuts you off while talking to only his simple minded explanation.
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