Working up my top songs of year list. Starting with going through Pitchfork's top 100 list, lot of interesting stuff there, some good, others head scratchers. Oh, the youth I think. Might be another day or two before that's all together.
Had the holiday party at lunch today. Italian and sweets galore, oh man it hurts to think about at this point. Also had a fun activity where lots of folks brought in pictures of themselves as children and we had to guess who's who. Tougher than I thought, well, everyone got old. Old photos with faded colors, or black and white, for those that lived in the world when it was only greyscale. I'm glad life's in color now.
And wouldn't you know it, R started a blog as well! It's here: http://life-with-r.panyamedia.com/ So for all the stuff that I could be posting about, but don't? It has a home now, as told by R! Leave her some comments if ya can. Dig?
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