Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Camera!! Meet Herman.

Leveled up my camera arsenal today 10 fold - invested in a Canon Rebel TSi (i believe its the Kiss X3 as the blokes in Japan call 'em) with an 18-135mm piece of glass w/ Image Stabilization. First foray into the fine world of DSLR's for me... can't wait to start getting the good shots now.

Dates are locked in for the big bird now: 1/15 to 1/31. Proceed with the filling of the dates therein. So far, it's Mr. Fuji (yes, r not the t) for the first leg, then Tokyo (early week of the 17th), Nagoya, followed by a romparound in Hokkaido (Otaru? Sapporo? getting naked in the hot springs in a glacier???), then back to Nagoya, with some Mie adventures. Perhaps a trip to the Kansai region? Well, they do have good food there and I like their accent. Nani nonndennen! (what are you drinking!?)

I gotta get back to work though. Burning the midnight oil to reduce the workload tomorrow, which I'm doing from home. Then, Settler's of Catan and *gasp* NEW YEAR'S!

And really, you can't find a finer subject than Conan on HD TV as a subject, right? whoo boy.

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About Me

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Alex Baker works in NYC doing web development during the day and puts on a cape to solve riddles and crime by night. In his free time, he shreds the skins in DBCR, explores NYC and other places and geeks out on new tech.