On Friday, we were talking about hot sauce at lunch. My coworker Joel was like, hang on, I know someone who can get us free samples, and promptly sent him a text. No joke - his friend responded within a minute and said he was headed to the supply closet. Not only that, but he delivered a box with 6 huge bottles of various flavors of Frank's hot sauce in person over the weekend.
I'm super stoked about receiving one massive bottle of the tried-and-true Frank's, and one sweet chili, which looks amazing.
Here's the full package:

Now, the bad news:
Kramer managed to mangle his front left paw (the bad one) somehow yesterday. Not sure. Probably sprained it, or at least hoping that's all it is. Taking off work today at lunch to take him to the vet to have it checked out. Goodbye, sweet precious paid time off.
Hope the dog's ok!
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