Movies. Simply put, I'm not much of a movies guy. Not that I don't like them, I've just got an issue with paying a lot of money to see something on the big screen. Seems like such a scam! If I can't take it home with me, then I'm already up in arms with it. At $9 a pop for the new runs, if I'm not 100% I'm going to like it, then I rarely go. Couldn't even tell you the last movie I saw in a theater.
These days those, it's all about the renting. Joined up with the local Hollywood Video to this extent recently. That, and bit torrent... heh. Anyway!
First on the list was Ratatouille. My kind of Pixar! I end up watching only a few of these movies, and this one happened to be one I was actually interested in. And liked it very well!
And after watching the well made "Be Kind, Rewind" recently, I decided it was about damn time to watch Ghostbusters again. And quickly realized that I have not seen this movie since I first saw it, twenty plus years ago (scary!). I think I've seen the ending a few times, and I know I've seen the second film, but man! I forgot how much the player Bill Murray was back then.
Then, last night it was Sweeney Todd. Not much of my cup of tea per se, but visually interesting. A bit too long for me, a bit too much of singing, and not surprisingly, a very predictable ending. Though, I liked the darkness factor here.
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