There's a big question on my mind right now: will we make it back to Ohio tonight??
Reiko and I are currently set to fly out on an ever-shrinking handful of standby flights tonight. Never flown standby before. I suppose Thanksgiving isn't the best time to try it out, but this was our last chance to make it back on the cheap.
The goal is to make it back to Ohioland to celebrate Thanksgiving and meet our friend the amazing Sumiko. I'm taking tomorrow off, which is our back up date for travel. Hoping to make it back tonight though! Had to schlep our luggage out here this morning, no easy task for a delayed train packed to the brim. Couple rain to the equation and you've got a happy camper in the office.
Will be checking the status of the flights all day. Keeping fingers crossed!
There was no meeting with Sumiko. Couldn't work out the way to Athens. So! I think she's going to visit us here. Alright.
Just because you live in New York doesn't mean you have the right to start using the word, "shlep!"
i've always wanted to say "shlep". i remember learning this word in Linguistics 270...
you even see it on trucks around here. pretty amazing local word!
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