Last week, I got room service for the first time in my life. I mean, I had stuff delivered before, but as far as meals go, this was a first. Never really felt like paying the difference before! My rationale has always been that if I can walk, I don't need it. I guess I could have received it on my old job, but with a "keep what's left" per diem, I always chose to keep the change. However, take away the savings option and it's a whole different ball game.
I suppose it's probably quite standard for some hotels: the card with the select-what-you-want menu card that you hang on the door before retiring. Which breakfast, what side options, when you want it delivered. Easy enough, right? Not when they show up early. And your only pair of underwear is still damp from swimming in the pool and hot tub from the night before. And by they I mean a lady and a guy, outside my door, half an hour before I had requested my breakfast delivered. (Admittedly, I could have ironed my boxers the night before but figured I'd wait until morning).
And so my door was knocked, and I had little choice but to put on my damp drawers and respond. Nothing like waking up early, letting people into your room and all you can think about is how cold your wet underwear is. Not recommending this one!
Always bring a swimsuit. That's my new motto for hotels!
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