One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the ability to completely fall asleep in a totally loud environment. I'm a fairly light sleeper too - doesn't take much to wake me up, and once awake for the day, that's it.
Got back yesterday from a trip to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Good to see everyone, filled myself up pretty well with a nice mix of food and alcohol, per usual I'd say. Went out Friday night for a bit but knowing that we had to fly back the next day, kept the party under control. There was a bit of concern we could make it back on our target flight - standby was full and we were the lowest priority (S4) - and still made it back. Got on the train back from JFK and that's when my body just started shutting down. The A-train we were on was not particularly overcrowded, but it was an older car and had plenty of clank-smash-boing going on. Despite that, after about the third stop, I closed my eyes and was out of it. I was kind of in and out of it until we had to change trains, and totally could have ended up in the Bronx if it hadn't been for Reiko telling me "Nesugi!" (you sleep too much!).
So what actually causes the body to sleep like this? It was the middle of the day and fairly loud, and yet none of that mattered. I was out! I chalked up this excuse to my body relaxing from the fact that we had made it back to Brooklyn and would be home soon. Flight was over, now I can rest. Interesting!
What's the most extreme conditions you've passed out in?
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