All things considered, our neighborhood seems to be pretty normal for the area. Sure, the rent prices are above and beyond anything I've paid before, but I can look beyond that. And as we need to walk a bit to get around, I've noticed that most folks around here are in better physical shape than the Midwest. Obese folks are few and far between. All in all, everything seems to be on par with what we expected for living in Brooklyn.
Except the weight of the animals around here: they are downright overweight and obese.
We should know. Our landlord seems to enjoy contributing to this facet as we often find large piles of food outside for the local animals to prey upon. Yesterday morning, we looked out the window to find a huge (at least 4 servings worth) of rice, just piled outback. Sure enough, the squirrels had gathered 'round to feast upon it. These squirrels are every bit three times larger than anything I've ever seen. Most squirrels are either living off of nuts or dying in trees this time of year. Ours waddle around to viking meals of free piles of human food.
The birds are no better. I've never seen so many fat birds around here. They are seriously round. I'm convinced they must have issues flying any kind of long distance. Not like they need to fly, as it seems like the free handouts are all around. Fatbirds.
Will be interesting to see how the winter plays out, and the effects it has on their bellies. Maybe they need sweatbands!
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