Happy New Year 2009! Hope yours was a warm one... we trekked through some seriously cold weather to get to our party. Face numbing! But a good party, complete with decorate-your-own-cookie. The funny part was that we had no working tele for the ball drop, and by the time somebody figured out they could amplify the the antenna with their own body, it was 2009. A collective "yay~" ensued.
In between all this, I put together a year in review clip for 2008. Here's the description I put up for it:
"2008 shall forever be remembered as a turning point for me. From taking a sabbatical from work to go to Japan, to getting married, to moving to the Big Apple, 2008 was nothing short of thrills. Fortunately! Most of it got documented... in video. Here for the first time is a collection of said videos which appear in no particular chronological order. "
It's one of the longer videos I've put together but was a lot of fun to make. The background tune is "Paris (Aeroplane Remix)" by Friendly Fires [ft. Au Revoir Simone], found on Pitchfork's Top 100 tracks for 2008. (Though, the original is quite horrid!)
Here's the video:
Year In Review 2008 (via Youtube)
And in other reflective news, today marks my 6 month anniversary of getting married! Boy did that go by quick.
Hi Alex, I watched several of your YouTube vids. Triscuit Cracker, Year in Review, The Train from Jokoji...and perhaps my favorite, "Dayton OH has ghosts" The music in that was killer! Who was that?
Would like to do a blog post to your You Tube stuff in the near future. Keep up the great work!
The "Dayton has Ghosts" track was "4 Ghosts I", off of the ambient Nine Inch Nails album, Ghosts (2008). I would definitely recommend checking it out.
A lot of the other clips were links from the blog at one point, when released. Would be good to do a roundup!
For the Dayton video, I broke into this abandoned warehouse and got some shaky video footage with my Sony DSC-W50.
Sequencing was done in MovieStory, which is this weird, template video arranging software that came with my VAIO laptop.
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