Last weekend we saw more disturbances in the Force than ever before.
Saturday, we were out for the usual grocery runs, hopping a train to get us to Palumbo's. All of the sudden, we hear these women screaming from the back of train. Stuff getting thrown! I tried to peak over the crowd, but getting a good glimpse across a full train car is kind of like peeping around an 18-wheeler on the highway. We hopped off at the next stop, and mosied over to check out the scene: two women, a latino and a black lady, tearing each other apart, screaming loud obscenities at each other. A guy with the latino girl was trying to pull her back in the train as the black lady tried to break free, tears running down her face. Not sure what it was all about, but a bystander who was right there thought that the latino started running her mouth at the other lady on the train, and it was all out war from there. The train was even delayed a bit while the door situation (which couldn't get closed due to arms blocking) got resolved.
Shortly after, and maybe due to a slip on an ice patch, we found a guy on the stairs, bleeding everywhere. There was a lady taking care of him, so it seemed like the situation was under control. Saw a huge gash on his forehead. But definitely busted.
Then on Sunday, a Typical Self-Riteous Prospect Heights Girl started running her mouth to another lady about her bed sheets. Basically, the other lady had brought in clothes wrapped in a bed sheet, and placed them in basket cart. Nothing shocking. "But this is how bed bugs spread! You people don't care at all about us." said the Typical Self-Riteous Prospect Heights Girl. "Excuse me, mind your own business, I don't have bed bugs" said the other lady. And then it started. The Typical Self-Riteous Prospect Heights Girl went on and on and on about how this is why bed bugs are so critical and you should move away from the neighborhood and it's people like you, that make this a terrible place. I didn't say anything but secretly wanted the police to show up and hose this lady down. The other lady looked pretty upset, but having just put her clothes in the dryer, just walked out, with the Typical Self-Riteous Prospect Heights Girl yelling at her the whole way.
It didn't end there either: 15 minutes later, a young man entered the laundromat, sheets in tow inside a bed sheet, which went plop! into the laundry basket. Didn't take but a minute before Typical Self-Riteous Prospect Heights Girl had met her knew match. This guy was a bit more able to stand up for himself, telling the mad lady to mind her own business, even inserting the classic "settle this issue away from me, pig!" line, "Write your congressman!". I laughed at that one.
So I gotta ask, what's with all the fightin' & the fussin'? Is it just cabin fever season or what?
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