Good excitement last night: got behind the kit live last night for the debut show of DBCR (Drunken Belligerent Confrontational Rock). Good excitement tomorrow: we're playing again.
And damn, it's been a while since I played out, perhaps February of last year? Way too long. This new act is pretty sweet, the first time I've played in a 5 piece that was worth a damn. But I tell yeah, fitting 5 guys into a tight space is not a safe bet. We ended up working it such that our vocalist was on the floor lumbering around, mic swinging (watch out!) and all. The bass rig was coming off the stage and unfortunately caused it to cut out during the first couple of songs. Floor tom gave way during song two. But! We kept it going, and had a really good crowd response for a nearly packed bar, which come to think of it, it's been a while since I've played for that many people. Sweet.
Pictures coming soon.
Show audio here. (Thanks Chris & Laïs!)
Dude I just listened to a bit of the audio. The quality is there. I think you will like it. It's a 35 minute WAV file and I'll try to download it into ITUNES now so I can export it as an MP3.
yo, I wanna hear it
Audio link is up. I love the enthusiastic "Turn it up to 11!" at the start.
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